StopKa designed for quickly indexing set of files and for quickly find files on local hard drive
All file attributes are supported for search
An inverted index (or just index here) is an index structure storing a mapping from words to their locations in a document or a set of documents, allowing full text search. Every string contains information about documents, which store the word, the number of the word in document, and word position in the document. Using inverted index StopKa quickly define degree of correspondence for search criteria and so gets a sorted list of documents. To gets degree of correspondence - StopKa use statistics and probabilistic formulas. To get more information about inverted index read this Wiki article.
Initially StopKa performs scanning of all, text information from files. Inverted index is building during the scan process. Search is performed simultaneously with computation of documents relevance.
The search results give out in sort order with correspondence of relevance to query. The document relevance to query is calculated based on statistics which is collected during index process. Formula is widely well-known. Things in details.
Yes, it is possible. Initially all the documents has the same rank. It is possible to change ranks accordingly a document importance. The document importance here - for example as often the users open this document. Then more often the users open the document then more rank it gets. Also it is possible change the rank accordingly date of file modification.
StopKa is highly intelligence and with the help of a rich fantasy it win you in chess game, argues with you about art and so on. This is a joke. Here is only probability theory - no more.
I hope it will.
Write me. I'll be glad for your help.
In nearest time I have plans to release plugin mechanism for different files formats filters.
So if the specific file format which is suitable for you don't in StopKa support formats - don't be upset.
You will get possibility to expand this functionality.
In this case I be happy to get public the sources with your comments.
In nearest future I have no such plans.
There is well-known project as StopKa in Open Source - it is called Lucene.
Initially it was Java project. Now it has C version.
Frankly I say - this is my visiting card. I'd like to get money for this. Open Source propose me nothing here.
Just for glory :) here is some my articles with sources: articles.
"Knock himself to the wall." It is getting constructive observations and propositions.
Gets more functionality. + ... I have a lot of ideas, in order to turn StopKa into a masterpiece - it is necessary a time. For potential "competitors" I am not an assistant :).
Plans exists - needs support.
Yes, we know our "competitors" - potentially we are stronger :).
Vitali Yemialyanchyk - the StopKa developer. About me